Our Distinctives


Sunday School: 10:00 | Sunday Service: 11:00 | Sunday evening: 6:00 | Wednesday Night: 7:00

our purpose

Liberty Baptist Academy exists for the purpose of providing its students an education with high spiritual, academic, social, and physical standards.  (Luke 2:52—"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.") At Liberty Baptist Academy, our focus is Christian Education.

our beliefs

We believe that all true education is Christ-centered, and that any education which neglects or purposely sets Him and His Word aside is perversion of education (John 14:6). 

We believe that God, by Divine Creation, spoke the universe and all its inhabitants into existence, and that He is the constant sustainer of His creation (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-2; Colossians 1:7).

We believe that the final responsibility for the training of children rests with the parents (Deuteronomy 6:1-7; Psalm 78:1-8).

We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and is the final authority for faith and practice. We believe that God has preserved His Word for the English-speaking people in the King James Version. We believe that the Bible reveals God, man's fall, the way of salvation, and God's purpose and plan in the ages.

We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Deity and Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, in the substitutionary atonement of Christ for sinners, and in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

We believe that salvation is a gift of God, with conditions to salvation being repentance and faith.

We believe in the personal and pre-millennial return of Christ.

We believe in the eternal conscious blessedness of the saved (born-again) and the eternal conscious damnation of the lost.

We believe that the Great Commission was given to all believers and that each individual is responsible for carrying it out.

We believe in the visible Church, which is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible confession of faith, and associated for worship, work, and fellowship.

We believe that the local Church must carry out the Great Commission.

We believe that local churches are independent and autonomous and separate from the State.

We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or Christian ministries to resolve personal disputes. We do believe, however, that a Christian may seek compensation for injuries from another Christian's insurance company as long as the claim is pursued without malice or slander (I Cor. 6:1-8; Eph. 4:31,32).

our philosophy

We believe that God created children and that they are "the heritage of the Lord" (Psalm 127:3). God gave children to parents who are responsible to train them to become adults who will bring glory, not shame to Him.


The first place for training is the home. The second place is the church. Our church school is doing what God commanded us - train children in His Word. Liberty Baptist Academy is not a reform school, although many lives are reformed during a school year.


The Bible, God's Word, is the heart of all our instruction at Liberty. Therefore, believing that the Bible teaches separation, both from the world and unto Christ, all those connected with the school should live accordingly. Being separated from the world, there are some things that we believe should not be in the Christian's life, such as smoking, drinking, taking drugs, listening to immoral entertainment - whether on TV or at the movies-, listening to rock music - whether secular or Christian, or any other activity that would bring dishonor to Christ or His church.


A person who is separated unto Christ means that certain things should be true of that person. They should be including in their life such things as Bible reading, Bible memorization, prayer, church attendance, and witnessing. Their lives should be exhibiting the attitudes of Christ.

Our goal is not just to train students academically. We believe it is our duty as an extension of the home, to teach, to train, and to prepare young people for a life of service to the Lord in a free country regardless of the vocation and location into which the Lord may lead them as adults.


God blessed our nation and we should be proud of its noble Christian heritage. To teach love for country cannot be wrong in the sight of God!  We shall, therefore, teach patriotism in the school with a daily pledge to the United States Flag. Self-government and self-government with union shall be taught to all students in the school. At Liberty we shall honor God, country, our American Flag, Christian Flag, and pay tribute to the great Americans who gave unselfishly to build this nation "under God" and under God's Word.

our product

All schools, including Liberty, proclaim goals of developing college preparatory skills and a certain level of fundamental life skills. Scripture provides insight in that even Jesus matured in four areas as described in Luke 2:52. Understandably, the development of an 18-year-old’s character, work ethic, or academic ability is far from being complete, knowing that maturity continues over a lifetime. Indeed, maturity does not end when one receives a diploma; however, there are foundational training plans that certainly increase the probability of a child developing learning habits; and, genuinely living out a Christ-like character trait. Although the primary molder of these “portraits” are the parents, the school’s influence plays a significant part.


Thus, what does the school aspire to produce? It is our prayer, that our students graduate LBA with the following foundational desired outcomes:


1. To understand that “…all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Consequently, because of our sin, we deserve to be sent to a devil’s hell (Romans 6:23). But in love, God sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins & provide a way to be saved (Romans 5:8; John 3:16). And to call on Christ to forgive them of their sins & to be their Lord & Savior (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-9).


2. To develop a strong work ethic coupled with an eternal perspective (Col. 3:23) devoting themselves to the work that God has prepared for them (Eph. 2:10).


3. To seek to continue a rigorous, intellectual path, understanding the importance of developing the mind. Their training prepares them to engage their generation with biblically sound thoughts, ideas, and truth (II Cor. 10:5). They are prepared to give a defense for the hope that lies within them (1 Peter 3:15).


4. To embrace a wide variety of disciplines of study associated with a strong education as the foundation to enter life. This would be characterized by proven writing, thinking and synthesis skills as well as demonstrated mastery of academic objectives in mathematics, sciences and Bible doctrine. The study of God’s word and the pursuit of understanding the Biblical accounts of Creation, the Fall, and Redemption assists in developing a proper biblical worldview and developing the life habit of taking every thought captive (II Cor. 10:5).


5. To demonstrate the love and attitude of Christ Jesus to all people. This attitude would be characterized by selflessness, humility and servanthood (Phil. 2:2-11) and a lifestyle of obedience to seeking first the kingdom of God (Mat. 6:33).


Liberty Baptist Academy is a safe haven for children to learn and grow. It is a school that finds its roots in the simple, yet excellent educational principles of school days gone by. Liberty offers solid, core academics in a safe, Christian environment. In a day when society is struggling for answers, Liberty continues to produce graduates who are not only above average in scholastic achievement but also go on to establish Christian families and make positive contributions to both society and our country.


Liberty has established a well-rounded educational program that prepares students for life. Young people today face complex challenges, and it is imperative that their education give them not only the ability to make a living but also the right philosophy of how to live.


The formative years of a child’s life are for teaching and training. God’s word declares, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

our worldview

One of the most distinctive elements of Liberty Baptist Academy is the school’s intentional focus on developing a Biblical worldview. These efforts in developing a Biblical worldview are not limited to the students, but also extend to the faculty and parents as well. While other schools may talk about the importance of a Biblical worldview, LBA is intentional about making sure students, staff and parents are given opportunities to engage in the hard thinking necessary to learn how to think critically and Biblically about the world around them.


In addition to Biblically integrating into subject matter in every class, Liberty also utilizes several intentional elements to further train in biblical worldview. Our classes teach on topics covering such categories as Christian Ethics, Christian Heritage, Creation vs. Evolution, Current Cultural Trends, Doctrine, Law and Government, and Leadership.

our curriculum

Liberty Baptist Academy is one of over 4000 schools using the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) program. The A.C.E. program provides students with a complete academic curriculum that includes skill building, goal setting, reading practice, character building, and Biblical integration. This complete package begins with reading development and progresses through high school, giving students a solid foundation for pursuing their life goals.


Students who are more skilled may progress at a faster rate or may accelerate in the areas of their academic strengths. Slower students are encouraged to do their best but are able to work at their levels of proficiency and proceed as they are capable. 


Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. Typical students work daily on one PACE in each subject and may be performing at varying levels. Upon enrolling in LBA, each student will be given a diagnostic test. The diagnostic test results help to identify academic weaknesses and prescribe a path to help students catch up. Most students complete at least 70 PACEs per year while maintaining academic balance by completing about the same number of PACEs in each assigned subject.


In addition to the core curriculum, A.C.E. offers twenty elective courses beneficial to academic growth and development. Each of these courses adds interest and enhancement to the core curriculum.


LBA students will also participate in other classes outside the classroom, such as: Music, Physical education, Biblical Citizenship, Computer Literacy, Keyboarding, Foreign Languages, etc.


For more information on the A.C.E. Program, you can visit www.aceministries.com.