Use the options below to give your Tithes, Offerings, Missions, Building Fund, Press Funds, etc. It's an easy and secure way to give and helps support the local ministries of Liberty Baptist Tabernacle!
Example 1: If you choose NOT to cover the fee and want to give $900 to the church ($300 for tithe, $300 for missions, $300 for press for example), then the total that will be sent to the church will only be $870.30 ($900 - $29.70 (3.3% fee for using a credit card)
Example 2: If you want the full amount of $900 to be sent to the church (as mentioned in Exampe 1), then you will need to COVER the fee and include that extra cost in your giving ($929.70 total)
Liberty Baptist Tabernacle
Lighthouse Baptist Press
1515 Space Ave
Rapid City, SD 57701
In every service there is an opportunity to give.